Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 5 in Hospitalet

Hello friends and family!!!
Things here is Spain are just doing great! We are having transfers today...but I am not moving gratefully and neither is my companion! I am so excited. Finally I will be somewhere besides the MTC for more than 4  weeks. Things here are great. We had Dafne´s baptism this last weekend as well as Bryan. Dafne is 9 and Bryan is 8 and is the grandson of a less-active lady. They are all doing well and were confirmed in church on Sunday as well. Bryan gave the most beautiful testimony in sacrament meeting as well. I just love kids and the absolute perfect faith that they have. It is really something that I need to try and have.
Okay....so you all want to know what a typical day here is like for me...so here it goes...
We wake up at 7:30 and go running. Come back and shower and eat breakfast. We start our personal study at 9 and have companionship study at 10, for 2 hours until I get finished with this 12 week training program that they started recently. It is fantastic. Then we got out at 12 for our visits or for contacting people. At 2 we come back to the apartment for lunch and language study. Then we go back out at 4 and have appointments and family home evenings with families, and contact more people and find more investigators until 10. No dinner break. We get home at 10 and plan and get ready for bed and go to bed at 11:30. That is a pretty typical day for us. But then there are Sundays which are different and days that we have district meeting and days that we have weekly planning and those are only slightly different.
So guess what??? Our apartment is finally clean!!!! Woohooo!!!!! We got a phonecall last week saying that we were going to have an apartment check and so everyone had to kick in and help me get the whole place deep cleaned!!! It was absolutely fantastic! The spirit was seriously immediately stronger when we finished cleaning! I love it and hope that we can all work together to keep it that way.
Well....I do have one request for you all right now...we have an incredible investigator that is having a really hard time right now. His name is Moíses. He was really learning and progressing really rapidly...but last night he tried to tell us that he didn´t want us to teach him anymore because he is really scared. He says that each time he has investigated a church in the past and tried to come closer to God, something bad has happened to him or someone close to him. And he just found out the other day that his friend has cancer. So he got really scared and said he just doesn´t want to mess with it. We had a really good lesson with him last night and left him with a prayer that really strengthened him. But if you could pray for him and for us that we might know through the spirit how to help him, we would really appreciate it. He is fantastic and really knows that it is true...he just is scared and has lots of questions.
Well...that is all I really have time for right now....except I should mention that transfers were today...but I am not leaving and neither is my companion at least not for the next 6 weeks. I love this area and love this ward. The people here are amazing!
Well that is all for now.
Love you all,
Hermana Eyre

also....The mailing address that I have for the next 6 weeks at least is this:
c/ Rambla Badal 64, 5, #1
08014 Barcelona

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