February is almost over and I can hardly believe it! This week has been an interesting one for sure. It started off as a a fairly slow week but then picked up the last couple days. We found a really great part-member family yesterday. The member is Sara and she has a daughter that just had a baby. Her daughter is not a member, and neither is her son. Sara has a really crazy life story, and is such a sweetheart. We are going to be teaching her daughter though as well as her daughter´s friend that was there. Sara actually lived through a plane crash type thing. She was flying back to her country, Ecuador, and apparently the plane quit working. The crew didn´t tell anyone anything and just said that they were going to experience some turbulance and so they should buckle up. They then emergency landed about 3 hours early in a different airport and it was apparently a rough landing. Only 1 out of 237 passengers died. But Sara suffered some internal damage from the seatbelt and had to have several operations. I don´t know what happened to the other people, but Sara suffered for a very long time from Post traumatic stress and would have panic attacks every time she went out into public or went to use any kind of transportation. She suffered for 5 or 6 years like that. Only in the last 2 or so years, she has been doing a lot better emotionally. She hasn´t been to church very much recently because she still suffers from a bit of anxiety about traveling when she doesn´t have someone with her. So we are going to be working a bit with that family and we are really excited about them.
On Saturday, I had the opportunity to play my violin at 2 different baptisms of people that had been taught by other missionaries. But one of them was a young boy named Roy that we started teaching about a month ago. He is the one that I invited to be baptized and just had an amazing experience with because he just answered with a resounding "YES". It was such an incredibly spiritual baptismal service. I played "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" with a gigantic group of missionaries singing and it was one of the moments where I felt the spirit the most powerfully in my whole mission. The majority of the room was in tears and it was just incredible. Roy gave an incredible testimony after he was baptized and it is incredible to see the change in him because he didn´t even believe in God a few short months ago when the he first met with the Hermanas in our ward.
On Sunday night(last night), I had the opportunity to play at a wonderful music fireside that the Hermanas in the other Barcelona ward organized. There were people (members and investigators), and missionaries, from tons of different areas and the spirit was just incredibly strong. I love missionary work and I love the effect that music has and how it can bring the spirit faster and stronger than almost anything! It is truly the Universal language.
Well, that is all I have for right now. Keep Sara, Adriana, Edison and Mariana in your prayers.
Love you all and talk to you next week!
Hermana Eyre

I have no idea whether or not you are getting these comments but just want to say that we love you dearly and think you are an incredible missionary which we knew you would be but to hear you in action every week is truly inspiring! Can't wait to see you soon!
ReplyDeleteCarry on you great sister!