Friday, December 2, 2011

Week 2 in the MTC

Hello Everyone!
I am so missing you all but I am having a wonderful time here at the MTC. There are a lot of hard adjustments that I have had to make over the past two weeks but I am managing.  It is super hard to be stuck inside all day and the first day that the field was open I had butterflies in my stomach and thought for the first time that I actually understood how a dog feels when it gets to go to the park.  It was amazing and luckily I have been able to spend my gym time on the field a few more days since then. As for the music thing, it has been hard to not have any music but it is just an MTC rule and I will be able to listen to my awesome classical music and seriously awesome Church music once I get out into the field.
So here is some news about my visa. I will not be leaving on my scheduled departure date of December 17th because they have not received my visa.  But whenever they do receive it, I was told that they will likely ship me off the next day or a couple days after receiving it. In the meantime though I will be spending the rest of my training time here at the MTC in Provo.  I am actually okay with this though because I truly love my companion, my district, and my teachers.
My companions name is Sister Crowley and she is totally awesome. We get along super well and she has been an awesome strength to me when I have been having hard days here and vice versa.  She has an amazing spirit about her and we are helping each other to learn the language pretty well.
My week during Thanksgiving was pretty awesome. As I said last week, we had a visit from two different apostles in 3 days. It was awesome and they both inspired us all.
They do not let you rest one little bit while you are here. As I have been told, we are teaching 5 times as much as the missionaries who were in the MTC 4 months ago were doing. As I said before, we taught a first lesson in Spanish on our 3rd day here and it was so scary. We taught that same progressive investigator like 4 more lessons I think. This last week we started with two new progressive investigators and we will be teaching one of them just about every day of the week. It is really incredible how much this helps to learn the language. When we are focused on the needs of our investigators and how we can adapt our specific lesson or just the gospel in general to them and what they need at that time, we truly are being blessed with the gift of tongues. I find myself not being able to understand a whole lot of Spanish during class but then during our lessons when we are teaching, I find that there are many things that I understand and know what to respond with because the spirit is teaching me what I need to say.  It was hard at first to have the strength to heed those promptings because I knew that I had no idea how to say them, but in our last couple lessons I have just trusted not using my notes too much and I was able to say things and remember how to say things fairly well. While the meaning of what I was saying may have been a little vague, I was able to get it across because I just trusted and listened to the spirit.
My teachers are absolutely incredible. There are like a million teachers that visit our room throughout the day, but my main two teachers are Hermano Akana and Hermana Curtis. They both are inspiring and teach me so much everyday.
So I am actually about ten minutes over my time so I better go....but I want to here from all of you!
The best way I have found actually, is to have you go to and send me an email from there. They will print out a hard copy that very day and put it in my mailbox and I will get it that same day. All you need to know is my full name and the mission I am serving in and my MTC mailbox (328). My full name is Carli Serenity Eyre and I will be serving in the Spain, Barcelona Mission (SPA-BAR).  I am currently at the MTC in Provo.  I think you need all that info.
Anyways, I love you all and would really appreciate hearing from all of you....especially my family!!!! Hello family. I have gotten letters from my grandmother and from Scott, but not from you! If you don't want to send a letter in the mail go to and just do it!
I expect to see them this week okay! And send me your mailing addresses and email addresses in those letters as well so I can send you all a real letter. Write to me there so that I don't spend all my email time reading emails and not writing an update.
I had no idea how much missionaries love getting mail until I became one! Write me please!!!
I love you all!
Hermana Eyre

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