Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 3 in San Sebastian

Hello everyone!
How are you all doing??? I hope well, because we are doing just great up here in San Sebastian and the Lord is apparently not done with showing us miracles. We actually had a baptism this last weekend. It was quite out of the blue how everything happened...but it was a miracle for sure. Well, last Monday, we got a text from the AP´s that said that we were two people short of our goal for this month and that we needed to pray really hard for those that were on date for that weekend and they encouraged us to pray to know if there was anyone in our area that could be baptized that weekend. Well, when we read that, we were like, well, we can´t really help at all with that goal because we don´t have any investigators right now.  But then the girl that we had an appoinment with that night came to Hermana Farrell´s mind and she decided to look at her progress record. She was an old investigator that had just started meeting with us again. We found out that she had been taught everything multiple times and that there was really nothing left for us to do. So Hermana Farrell had the impression that we should invite her to be baptized for the upcoming weekend. So we went to our appointment that night and did just that. We talked for a while just before that about her testimony and went over all the baptism interview questions. She was ready and had a strong testimony about everything but she just said that there was something holding her back but that she didn´t know what it was. So we read a lot of really powerful scriptures with her and then she asked if we could pray. She wanted Hermana Farrell to pray but in the end we decided that they both should pray. So Dalleli prayed first and just asked God really simply if she should be baptized that weekend and if he would let her know what she should do. Then Hermana Farrell prayed and the spirit came really strongly and I had the strongest feeling that she would receive her answer during that prayer. When Hermana Farrell finished, Dalleli was crying and after a couple minutes of silence, she looked up and said that she wanted to be baptized on Saturday. It was so incredible and the spirit was so strong. Over the next couple days we had to overcome some hurtles because she woke up the next day and suddenly had some doubts again. But with lots of prayer and the help of our inspired district leaders, she was able to get the answer and feel good about getting baptized once again. Yesterday after her confirmation she told us that after she had come out of the water on Saturday, that all the worries and doubts that she had before were suddenly gone and she felt very peaceful and happy. And then she was so excited on Sunday because she said that she now had someone very special and important in her life and that was the Holy Ghost and she could have it all the time. She is seriously incredible and is just beaming from ear to ear all the time. She is 17 and just has such a strong testimony. I can´t believe how anxious the Lord is to bless us with such miracles right now. 
Well that is all I have time for right now. I will get back to you all next week with some pictures and stuff of all the great events. 
Love you all,
Hermana Eyre

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